Victory Outreach is an international, church-oriented Christian ministry called to the task of evangelizing and discipling the hurting people of the world, with the message of hope and plan of Jesus Christ. This call involves a commitment to plant and develop churches and training centers, in strategic cities of the world.
Victory Outreach inspires and instills within people the desire to fulfill their potential in life with a sense of dignity, belonging, and destiny. Victory Outreach works cooperatively with others of mutual purpose in accomplishing the task before us.

“A desire (hope, dream) fulfilled is a tree of life.” - Proverbs 13:12b
Mark and Zoe Penman have both had a burden for the nation of Scotland and received the call of God to plant churches in Scotland since the beginning of their salvation walk. They are now seeing this vision and call come to pass and with excitement, have planted a Victory Outreach in the beautiful city of Glasgow.
Mark (born in Falkirk) came into Men’s Rehabilitation Home of Victory Outreach London in 2001. He had previously spent four years in the British army, serving during the Bosnian conflict. Upon returning home he struggled to adapt to normal life and fell into a lifestyle of drugs, alcohol and hooliganism. At his lowest point, addicted to heroin, he cried out to God for help and received Jesus as his Saviour.
Zoe (born in Glasgow) came into the Women’s Home of Victory Outreach Rotterdam in 2005. As a young teenager, she struggled with identity issues and depression. After a suicide attempt she spent three years in and out of psychiatric hospitals, medicated, diagnosed with a personality disorder and addicted to cocaine and alcohol. Completely hopeless and broken, she accepted the hope that is only found in Jesus Christ and received purpose for her life.
Together they have 3 children and have been married since April 2015. Since then they have been a part of church planting teams around Europe, in cities such as Dublin, Amsterdam and Frankfurt. Wherever they have been, they’re heart has been to see lives transformed through a relationship with Jesus Christ. They are determined to use their experience and passion to build people and see those around them become everything God has called them to be.

"For you will soon be bursting at the seams. Your descendants will occupy other nations and resettle the ruined cities." - Isaiah 54:3
Since 2004, Mark has been part of our regional church Victory Outreach Manchester serving under the amazing leadership of our Regional and Senior Pastors Paul and Vicky Lloyd. Mark was a Home Director in Manchester for six years and thereafter became a licensed minister. Zoe moved from the Netherlands to Manchester in 2014 and served closely in the area of office administration. Victory Outreach Manchester is their launching base.
Victory Outreach Manchester began in 2003 with a handful of people in the one of the roughest parts of the city of Manchester. The church is now a few hundred people strong and has launched three other churches in Liverpool, London and Birmingham. The church in Frankfurt, Germany is also part of the UK/Germany region. Pastor Paul and Vicky both came from a lifestyle of heroin addiction and crime, after separately giving their lives to Christ became part of Victory Outreach London. Many years later they are renowned international speakers and dynamic leaders, not only leading their church in Manchester but overseeing the entire U.K. & Germany region.
Our founders Pastor Sonny & Julie Arguinzoni
Since its humble beginning in 1967, Victory Outreach International has grown from one church to a worldwide network of over 700 churches and ministries, with locations across America, Latin America, Europe and Africa. Victory Outreach has grown into one of the largest inner-city ministries in the world meeting the needs of people from all walks of life. For over 50 years, Victory Outreach has trained and equipped men and women to reach their full potential in life, whether it is establishing a church, building a career, or growing and nurturing a family. In 1967, the Victory Outreach vision was to reach East Los Angeles. This vision broadened to include California, then all of America, then the entire world.
Reaching Los Angeles - Victory Outreach began with Sonny and Julie inviting drug addicts from their local community — people they did not know — into their own home. They shared the basic truth of the Gospel: God loves you and He has the power to change your life. Victory Outreach began to flourish.
Reaching California - In the early 1970's, various members of Pastor Sonny’s church felt an overwhelming sense of destiny. Daring to believe God, they stepped out in faith starting more Victory Outreach churches across California.
Reaching America - In the 1980's, Victory Outreach emerged at the forefront of mission-focused ministries. Churches were planted across America. Some of the churches began to grow and this success spurred the next daring move: Cross-cultural churches planted in Amsterdam, Netherlands and in Mexico.
Reaching the World - From the 1990's until now, it has been a time of exponential growth for the ministry in America, Europe and Asia. The ministry of Victory Outreach is as exciting today as the day it was founded over 50 years ago and you can experience and witness this at Victory Outreach Glasgow.